By Julius Melnitzer | March 31, 2021
Lawyers’ dating sites
Can’t find love because practising law takes too much out of you? Try Lawyr, the UK-based international dating site “For lawyers and the people who want to date them”. The Times says the site “is perfect for those seeking a brief encounter”. Lawyers, says Jonathan Ames, The Times’ legal editor, “work long days, rarely have weekends off and are not known for their fitness.” So who would date them?
According to Lawyr’s website, it’s at least worth giving it a close-up try: “Some of the lawyers may look pale, exhausted, and sustained on a diet of black coffee and egg sandwiches. But they have goodness in their hearts and, if you saw them in motion (or lotion), they would look a lot better. Promise.”
You can even look afar: since Lawyr launched a week ago, the Daily Mail says, new members from London, Houston, Minsk and Sydney have “inundated” the site. Nothing about Canadians yet.
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Lawyers need (more) protection?
A report by the Council of Europe says that continuing attacks on lawyers call for greater legislative protection for the profession. Jonathan Goldsmith, writing in the Law Society Gazette, says measures are necessary ” . . . to ensure that lawyers do not suffer when carrying out their duties – and suffer they do . . .” The report, according to Goldsmith “. . . recites the violence and threats that lawyers face: murder and other assaults; being prevented from meeting clients; communications being monitored and homes and businesses searched; forcing lawyers to act as witnesses against clients; using admission or disciplinary procedures to exclude those whom the authorities consider politically undesirable; and creating bars which are not independent enough to protect members”.
For those who believe all this is much more fitting of China and the like, Goldsmith adds: “I counted eight reported cases brought against the UK for alleged breaches of lawyers’ rights”.
No consent, no videoconference: OCA
On March 29, the Ontario Court of Appeal, citing Part XX.1 of the Criminal Code, ruled unanimously that the Ontario Review Board has no jurisdiction to conduct a disposition review hearing by videoconference without the accused’s consent.
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Alexander Holburn joins international insurance alliance
Vancouver-based Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP, an insurance law firm that is already a member of The ARC Group Canada, has become the fifth member of Legalign Global, which describes itself as a “close alliance of four of the world’s leading insurance law firms”. The alliance includes BLD Bach Langheid Dallmayr, DAC Beachcroft, Wilson Elser and Wotton + Kearney, and now, Alexander Holburn.

“Our clients will now be able to access a truly global insurance practice,” said Chris Hirst, Alexander Holburn’s managing partner, in a press release. “This collaboration will position our clients to better assess risk and make informed decisions with confidence.”
Alexander Holburn has particular expertise in the cyber, aviation and cannabis sectors, as well as in class actions. Its lawyers serve insurers, brokers and corporate clients.
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Best law firm webinars & bulletins
TORYS: Webinar Series: Returning to the office: considerations for a seamless transition
CASSELS BROCK: Comment: NFTs: A Primer on the Trending Crypto Phenomenon
OSLER HOSKIN: Update: Do lenders still have a duty of good faith? Supreme Court decides in Wastech
GOODMANS: Update: Canada’s Anti-money Laundering, Terrorism Financing and Economic Sanction Regimes
Julius Melnitzer is a Toronto-based legal affairs writer, ghostwriter, writing coach and media trainer. Readers can reach him at [email protected] or