Business of Law

Issues relating to the practice of law

Toxic Productivity Update

By Murray Gottheil | July 25, 2024 Coming on two years ago, I posted about toxic productivity on Linkedin. Among my pithy comments were the following nuggets: I am retired. I live in the country near a lake and the weather is lovely. I could be going for a walk, reading a book or paddling […]

BARE BONES BRIEFS: Abusive firm leader disbarred for insulting juniors | Vancouver bar icon dies before facing laundering charges | Trending: return to office | UK Court of Appeal: ANNs not patentable | Arbitrator: Taking a diving course counts as “union business”

By Julius Melnitzer | July 24, 2024 TREAT JUNIOR COLLEAGUES WITH RESPECT – OR ELSE! Domenic Pisano, a lawyer with 23 years’ experience and a director of Domenic Levent Solicitors in London, has been disbarred by the UK’s Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal for “offensive, intimidating and insulting” behaviour towards junior colleagues. His sins included shouting at […]

The Business Development Question

Photo by Anna Shvets at Pexels By Murray Gottheil | July 23, 2024 I speak to a number of newly called lawyers looking to secure associate jobs. I tell these applicants that they should be ready to answer questions about business development. Here are my tips: And then there is the famous, “Do you have any questions […]

Being Brilliant is Over-Rated

Photo by Mart Production at Pexels By Murray Gottheil | Juily 22, 2024 Way back before the cell phone, we had a telephone in our reception area for clients to use. At the same time, my doctor had a sign in his reception area advising patients that the doctor’s phone was for his staff’s use and […]

BARE BONES BRIEFS: Litigation funder out $2.1 million when client discontinues litigation | Dentons gets menopause accreditation | UK regulator: lawyers who swear betray the public trust | Musk compensation foes seek $7 billion in legal fees

By Julius Melnitzer | July 17, 2024 DIVORCING PARTIES STIFF LITIGATION FUNDER FOR $2.1 MILLION The Law Society Gazette reports that Level, a litigation loan provider, found itself without remedies to recover the $2.1 million it had advanced in an eight-year long divorce proceedings when the parties reached a settlement that did not include repayment […]

You Need a Shrink

Photo by Cottonbro Studio at Pexels By Murray Gottheil | July 8, 2024 For years I delegated work to Mindy, who was very competent, productive, generous, and warm. But when I walked into Mindy’s office to ask her to do something, I never knew whether she would be her usual lovable self or would bite my […]

Aren’t Non-Equity Partners Really Just Glorified Associates?

By Murray Gottheil | July 6, 2024 With a nod to the danger of generalizing, I would have to say that as a group, I like non-equity partners (“NEPs”) just as much, if not better, than equity partners. They are often people who are primarily interested in practicing law and doing well by their clients, as […]

Strategies for lawyers: Become your own marketing department

By Vanessa Holwell | June 14, 2024 In today’s competitive business landscape, marketing plays a pivotal role in driving success. As a lawyer, you may not have thought of yourself as a marketer, but with the right approach, you can become your own marketing department and effectively promote your legal practice. In this article, we’ll […]

I’ll Tell You What He Didn’t Do

By Murray Gottheil | June 13, 2024 Those of you who read my stuff from time to time know that when I retired, I moved to the country, bought a pick-up truck, and started listening to country music. One song I like is by Carly Pearce, and it has the following lyrics: … Everybody’s asking what […]

To All the Law Students Who I have Loved (or Just Liked a Bit)

Photo by Luana Freitas at Pexels By Murray Gottheil | June 11, 2024 I write a lot about work/life balance, mental health, and the pursuit of things other than money in the legal profession. My wife (and lawyer) Maureen McKay has laughed at me about this (among other things). “Murray, if any of the young people […]

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