Ontario court upholds employees’ right to sue for wrongful dismissal in cases of chronic stress

By Julius Melnitzer | September 17, 2021 Ontario’s Divisional Court has affirmed employees’ right to sue for wrongful and constructive dismissal in the civil courts in cases of chronic mental stress arising from workplace harassment. “That’s important because workplace compensation claims by employees suffering from mental stress as a result of harassment might increase an […]

Picture of solar panels

Rising municipality charges stalling efforts to develop green buildings in Canada

The Hastings-Quinte Social Services committee announced Wednesday that five retirement complex buildings in Belleville will have solar panels installed on their rooftops, like here at The Prince William building. PHOTO BY POSTMEDIA FILES By Julius Melnitzer | September 8, 2021 Rising development charges and insufficient incentives are stifling some major municipalities’ efforts to encourage developers […]

Shell-shocked: Could a Dutch court’s ruling on Shell’s emissions encourage similar cases in Canada?

‘It’s a decision that’s worth paying attention to, and that people are talking about’ By Julius Melnitzer | August 11, 2021 If there’s any doubt about the extent to which societal and legal expectations regarding climate change are evolving, a Netherlands court’s ruling ordering Royal Dutch Shell Plc. to reduce the CO2 emissions of its 1,100 companies […]

B.C. court ruling could mean First Nations consent needed for any new project on historic treaty lands

Ruling dramatically lowers the bar for First Nations to demonstrate their treaty rights have been infringed By Julius Melnitzer | July 28, 2021 A British Columbia Supreme Court decision requiring the provincial government to consider the “cumulative effects” of development could mandate First Nations’ consent for any new project on historic treaty lands in Canada. […]

Recommended Reading: Timely Law Firm Bulletins

By Julius Melnitzer | July 19, 2021 CHARITIES & NON-PROFIT Miller Thomson: Why it matters that the Supreme Court decision reinforced the existence of hidden contracts in charity/nonprofit governance COMPETITION McMillan: Emerging Competition & Data Privacy Issues for Real Estate Organizations DATA PRIVACY Gowlings: New Standard Contractual Clauses for International Transfers Under The GDPR McCarthy […]

Little legal clarity for employers dealing with pandemic-related layoffs

By Julius Melnitzer | July 18, 2021 A trio of conflicting decisions from Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice has left employers confused about a possible onslaught of wrongful dismissal lawsuits stemming from temporary layoffs due to the coronavirus pandemic. The confusion arises because judges have come to different conclusions about Ontario’s infectious disease emergency leave regulation, […]

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