A look at trends in long-term incentive plans

April 16, 2018 While many employers offer a comparable pension or health benefits plan to all employees, where long-term incentives plans are available they usually vary by employee level. A recent Willis Towers Watson survey of Canadian publicly traded companies with revenues exceeding $2 billion found 100 per cent of these companies’ chief executive officers and […]

Top 10 business decisions of 2019: From orphan wells to Vavilov trilogy

Friday, February 14, 2020 As the second in our two-part series listing the Top 10 business decisions of 2019, here are the five cases that lead the class, in ascending order. 5. Canada (Commissioner of Competition) v. Vancouver Airport Authority 2019 Comp Trib 6 A focus of intense interest among competition law and scholars, this decision from […]

Don’t get too excited about the latest Canadian law firm rankings

Thursday, April 26, 2018 With a passing glance at Acritas’ Canadian Law Firm Brand Index 2018, many Canadian firms who have resisted the impulse to merge with global giants might just be patting themselves on the back. But the self-congratulation probably shouldn’t go too far, because any euphoria would be a tad hasty and somewhat […]

Courts taking consumers out of consumer protection

Monday, May 07, 2018  Two recent decisions from B.C. and Ontario have seen consumers getting the wrong end of the stick from the courts. Forjay Management Ltd. v. 0981478 B.C. Ltd. 2018 BCSC 527 is the more egregious of the two, evidencing a judicial disdain from B.C.’s Supreme Court for one of Canadian society’s most pressing […]

A closer look at Ontario political parties’ pension, benefits promises

May 30, 2018 Despite not yet announcing its election platform, Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Party may have the greatest potential for affecting pensions and benefits in Ontario. “The Conservatives’ broad focus on balancing the budget, which may result in their rationalizing OHIP and delisting some services, represents the real impact potential in this election,” says Anneliesje […]

Chatbot aids firms’ privacy compliance by tagging clients’ exposure to data breach laws

‘Parker,’ with AI conversations, could save businesses from giant fines imposed by GDPR, PIPEDA legislation July 4, 2018 A chatbot named Parker will help clients of the global law firm Norton Rose Fulbright navigate new rules around how companies handle their customers’ personal information. The launch of the bot continues the steady incursion of artificial-intelligence-powered software […]

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