Business Law

A wide range of subjects that touch on the corporate commercial practice, including real estate, competition law, corporate law and governance, and securities

Quebec class action raising questions over DB pension liability following plan sponsor reorganization

By: Julius Melnitzer | October 8, 2024 A recent Quebec Superior Court decision has unleashed uncertainty over the liabilities of companies and their directors when a pension deficit appears in the context of a reorganization. The court authorized a group of defined benefit pension plan members to proceed with a $65 million class action against companies […]

BARE BONES BRIEFS: Lawyer prosecuted for “overstating” client’s case | Failed lawyers cost creditors $1.42 billion | Lawyers abandon Musk | Must-read: Rotfleisch on crypto tax | Japan liberalizes foreign lawyer rules

By Julius Melnitzer | August 20, 2024 IT’S GETTING RISKY TO THREATEN LITIGATION The Law Society Gazette reports that the Solicitors Regulation Authority has decided to prosecute one of the UK’s top media lawyers, Christopher Hutchings of London firm Hamlins LLP, for making false or misleading claims and improperly threatening litigation during a phone call […]

BARE BONES BRIEFS: Litigation funder out $2.1 million when client discontinues litigation | Dentons gets menopause accreditation | UK regulator: lawyers who swear betray the public trust | Musk compensation foes seek $7 billion in legal fees

By Julius Melnitzer | July 17, 2024 DIVORCING PARTIES STIFF LITIGATION FUNDER FOR $2.1 MILLION The Law Society Gazette reports that Level, a litigation loan provider, found itself without remedies to recover the $2.1 million it had advanced in an eight-year long divorce proceedings when the parties reached a settlement that did not include repayment […]

There Is Enough Work For Everybody

Photo by Tiana at Pexels By Murray Gottheil | June 23, 2024 Someone once told me that if your family is poor when you are 12 years old, then no matter how much financial success you have, you will always be fearful that you might lose it all. On the other hand, the theory goes that […]

BARE BONES BRIEFS: Lawyer convicted of racketeering too closely connected to judges for court to sanction him | Corporate veil still eroding? | Bail for RCMP official sentenced to 14 years for leaking state secrets to organized crime | FC: Google not exempt from PIPEDA | IBA Annual Conference coming to Toronto

By Julius Melnitzer | April 22, 2024 MAJORITY OF APPEAL COURT RECUSE THEMSELVES FROM WELL-CONNECTED LAWYER’S CASE The Chicago Tribune reports that Illinois’ Supreme Court was unable to act on an an interim license suspension application brought by the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission against Ed Burke, a Chicago lawyer and the city’s longest-serving alderman, […]

Show Me the Money

By Murray Gottheil | April 6, 2024 Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko at Pexels Youth is always impatient, even though, ironically, youth alone has time for patience – Lucilla Andrews In my new pastime as a cynical commentator on aspects of the legal profession that I whole-heartedly embraced and profited from for many years, I speak to […]

BARE BONES BRIEFS: Maple Leafs’ captain fighting CRA demand for $6.8 million | LST: Child abuser can practise law | Alberta CA justice joins BLG | Remote work, wellbeing slow law firm productivity | Bullying of law students ‘relatively high’

By Julius Melnitzer | March 25, 2024 TAVARES TAKES ON CRA Maple Leafs’ captain John Tavares is fighting the CRA’s claim that he owes $6.8 million in taxes for 2018, when he signed a seven-year US$77 million contract with the team and moved from New York to Toronto. The agreement included a $70.8 million bonus, […]

What employers need to know about determining remote workers’ province of employment

By: Julius Melnitzer | March 20, 2024 The Canada Revenue Agency’s guidance for determining a full-time remote worker’s province of employment for payroll deduction purposes, which came into force on Jan. 1, could prove burdensome to employers. “While the intention is to create certainty, whether it will do so remains to be seen,” says Sarah Mills, […]

BARE BONES BRIEFS: ‘From the river to the sea’: a trademark? | More lawyer hubris: 27 cent lawsuit | DWPV study examines 2023 insolvency highs | AI not ‘inventor’ for patent purposes: court | Ecocide now a crime in EU

By Julius Melnitzer | March 12, 2024 JEWISH AMERICANS SEEK TRADEMARK FOR PALESTINIAN CHANT Joel Ackerman and Oron Rosenkrantz, who are Jewish US citizens, have filed separate applications to trademark the phrase ‘From the river to the sea’, used by the Palestinian nationalist movement since the 1960s to express its desire for a Palestinian state […]

BARE BONES BRIEFS: CIRO to crack down on texting with clients? | Federal Court excoriates Pearson Airport’s disregard for language rights | Blakes Board Report: difficult for women to leverage not-for-profit board experience to paid boards | Global M&A at 10-year low | Cyberbreach counsel hacked

By Julius Melnitzer | March 6, 2024 WILL CIRO STEP UP ENFORCING BAN AGAINST TEXT MESSAGING WITH CLIENTS? Zach Pringle, writing in Babin Bessner Spry LLP’s Financial Services & Securities Blog, notes that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has in the last three years commenced over 35 enforcement actions citing record-keeping violations related to […]

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