October 28, 2020 | By Julius Melnitzer
Nowhere, perhaps, are legal issues emerging more rapidly than in the context of sharing platforms like Airbnb, UBER, LYFT and TURO.
What makes this even more interesting for lawyers is that it’s not just the legal issues that are emerging: the industries buying into this model are emerging just as rapidly. Think clients.

Economy unearths the legal issues facing stakeholders in sharing platforms.
That’s why The Law of the Sharing Economy, by Sheldon Burshtein, partner emeritus with Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP in Toronto, is a must-read both for lawyers with clients who fit the bill as well as practitioners who would like to see these clients on their rosters. It’s also a good read for anyone interested in how the economy is evolving.
Burshtein, an engineer as well as an intellectual property (IP) and technology lawyer, comes at the issues from a global, comparative perspective. Although he focuses on accommodation-sharing platforms – because that’s where most of the law has developed – his work covers pretty well any relevant industry.
Among other things, The Law of the Sharing Economy deals with the industry-specific legal and regulatory challenges facing operators. Burshtein also does a good job of analyzing the workplace, competition, privacy, tort, criminal, contractual, IP and technology issues.
The publisher is Thomson Reuters – Carswell.
Julius Melnitzer is a legal affairs journalist, writing coach and media trainer for lawyers. Readers can reach him at www.legalwriter.net or at https://legalwriter.net.