’s Top 10 business decisions of 2021, Part II – – – and the law firm players
Welcome to our third annual list of the Top 10 business decisions in Canada. This is the second of a two-part series, and features the top five cases in ascending order. Cases ranked 6-10 can be found here. By Julius Melnitzer | March10, 2022 5. 6362222 CANADA INC. v. PRELCO INC. (SCC) Law Firms: Borden […]
Jurisage launch marks new era in bulk access to Canadian law
By Julius Melnitzer | February 7, 2022 With the recent launch of Jurisage AI, bulk access to a national case law collection is now a commercial reality in Canada. Jurisage is a joint venture between independent legal publisher Compass Law, and AltaML, a Canadian applied AI studio. “There’s a whole lot of insight and opportunity […]
FP Dealmakers: Law firms on overdrive amid ‘hunger and urgency to get deals done’
By: Julius Melnitzer | February 1, 2022 It’s rare for lawyers to be unequivocal. But then, when it comes to capital markets activity, 2021 was a rare year for law firms. “We certainly had not planned for what occurred this past year, which produced one of the best capital markets ever, and we’re talking all […]
BARE BONES BRIEFS: BLG to manage Ivanhoé Cambridge leasing legal services | Study: junior counsel beat senior counsel as often as seniors beat them | Litigation funding fees capped | Judges need safety too | Top law firm bulletins
By Julius Melnitzer | November 11, 2021 IVANHOé CAMBRIDGE IN-HOUSE LAWYERS MOVE TO BLG “In-house” gets new meaning as part of Ivanhoé Cambridge’s (IC) law department moves to Borden Ladner Gervais LLP offices in Montreal and Toronto. All this pursuant to an agreement for BLG to manage legal services for shopping centres owned by IC, […]
Fossil fuels may be in doldrums but energy lawyers are adapting to the new environment
By Julius Melnitzer | October 25, 2021 Fossil fuels may be in the doldrums with a precipitous future ahead, but energy law and the demand for energy lawyers is alive and well. “Generally speaking, recruitment activity in the overall energy sector has increased,” said Carrie Heller, president of The Heller Group Legal and Executive Search, […]
The Advocacy Club: virtual reality for law students
By Julius Melnitzer | June 9, 2021 Law school and the practice of law, it often seems, have only the law in common. But as many inductees to the profession have discovered, that’s not necessarily enough – practically or psychologically. “I was astounded how different the practise of law is from what we’re told in […]