Labour & Employment Law

All aspects of the employer-employee relationship (other than pensions and employee benefits) including questions relating to terminations, wrongful dismissal, employment standards, arbitration, collective bargaining, and human rights issues such as discrimination and the duty to accommodate

No winners in wrongful dismissal appeal decision

Most of the time, litigation produces a victor. But the victor isn’t always a winner. And sometimes there are no winners.So it is with Colistro v. Tbaytel 2019 ONCA 197, a recent decision from the Ontario Court of Appeal arising from a wrongful dismissal case. From the employer’s perspective, it’s a case that never should have found […]

Is sex addiction a disability employers must accomodate?

A Nova Scotia arbitrator has ruled that sex addiction isn’t a disability that employers must accommodate, especially where the condition doesn’t affect the employee’s ability to perform their duties. The arbitrator, Augustus Richardson, also expressed doubt that a condition called “sex addiction” existed, noting it wasn’t generally recognized by an accredited professional body such as the American […]

New workplace harassment law will be real ‘game changer’ for employers

Employers will have to completely reassess how they manage harassment and violence in the workplace, costing hundreds of millions All eyes may be on the numerous amendments to the Canada Labour Code (CLC) that take effect on Sept. 1, but their impact on the 18,000 federally regulated employers and 900,000 employees governed by the legislation […]

Ontario Court of Appeal ruling highlights interpretation of termination clauses

The Ontario Court of Appeal has taken a technical approach to interpreting “termination clause” in ruling that a failsafe clause that doesn’t clearly apply to the entirety of a termination clause won’t be enforceable. “The big takeaway from Andros v. Colliers Macaulay Nicolls Inc. is that courts will pay close attention to grammar and structure in interpreting failsafe […]

Decision on Constructive Dismissal a Game Breaker

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal’s recent decision in Hospitality Fallsview Holdings Inc. v. Morningstar 2019 ONWSIAT 2324, may signal a new jurisdictional regime around claims of wrongful dismissal premised on workplace harassment causing chronic mental stress. “The ruling precludes civil actions based on chronic mental stress due to harassment in the workplace on the basis […]

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