
Driving Innovation

Technology aimed at lawyers continues to change the way law is practised as those with deep subject-matter expertise recognize there’s a better way to service clients Mar 14, 2019 Berating the legal profession as lacking in innovative drive — particularly when it comes to technology — verges on the fashionable. But fashion passes, frequently into […]

Are big fund managers’ sizeable holdings in companies hurting competition? The Competition Bureau thinks it might

Common ownership by the likes of BlackRock and Vanguard in airlines and soft drinks sectors have led to higher prices and less innovation in those markets, one analyst says March 5, 2019 | 2:09 PM EST Canada’s Competition Bureau, following the lead of other international regulators, is investigating an increased emphasis on common ownership in […]

‘Vestige of the past’: Competition Bureau mulls scrapping ‘efficiencies’ defence in merger laws

Advocates had argued that the law was crucial as consolidation can be more beneficial than competition, but its value appears to have diminished in the digital economy April 30, 201910:51 AM EDT With the Competition Bureau poised to release new guidelines on the role of efficiencies in merger reviews, Canada’s unique “efficiencies” defence, which allows […]

Billions of dollars in taxes could go up in smoke as $13.5B judgment weighs on tobacco industry

Industry’s demise would hit nation’s finances, the revenue stream cigarette sales provide to Aboriginal people, and lead to a potential boom in illicit tobacco trade May 13, 2019 12:50 PM EDT A $13.5 billion judgment against Canada’s Big Three tobacco companies has forced them into the largest and most complicated restructuring proceedings this country has […]

New Competition Bureau commissioner targets telecom, pharma and infrastructure industry

The Bureau is in the final stages of hiring a chief digital enforcement officer, with the mandate to improve and modernize the regulator’s approach to digital enforcement May 23, 2019 10:44 AM EDT Less than three months after his appointment as Canada’s Commissioner of Competition, Matthew Boswell’s presence is already being felt. Boswell, a former […]

Pension industry welcomes clarity around electronic communications

May 22, 2019 Plan administrators are welcoming the increased clarity accompanying the amendment of Ontario’s Pension Benefits Act to allow for the electronic designation of beneficiaries and the re-issue of the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities’ guideline No. 2, which establishes best practices for electronic communications in the pension industry. “Clarity on the ability to […]

The Canadian Connection

Canadian lawyers act on Caster Semenya’s important case with the Olympic Committee May 29, 2019Lexpert Magazine May 2019 Issue Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP is, without doubt, an iconic Canadian business law firm, a mainstay of tradition and a proud bearer of corporate Canada’s colours when the need for legal expertise arises. Which makes it […]

B is for ‘bachelor,’ not progress

Monday, June 10, 2019 No question about it, diversity and gender equality are all the rage in the profession — and it’s the clients that are driving the horses, with in-house counsel expected to lead both by way of example and by way of shutting out law firms who aren’t sensitive enough to the call. […]

Don’t fall for the old ‘It’s standard’ line from a real estate agent. There’s nothing standard about their forms

Even when caught up in bidding wars, don’t rush it. You may end up signing documents that let the vendors off the hook for myriad issues July 18, 2018 If unaffordable prices, bidding wars and news that the real estate industry is supplying questionable statistics to the public isn’t enough, homebuyers must also deal with […]

Are elements of U.S. pension reform worthy of Canadian consideration?

February 13, 2020 The first major reform to the U.S. retirement system in a decade, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act, contains provisions that could be useful guides for Canadian legislators and regulators. Signed into law by President Donald Trump in December, the act, known as SECURE, is primarily aimed at addressing […]

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