Labour & Employment Law

All aspects of the employer-employee relationship (other than pensions and employee benefits) including questions relating to terminations, wrongful dismissal, employment standards, arbitration, collective bargaining, and human rights issues such as discrimination and the duty to accommodate

Owners can mitigate OHSA risk created by OCA in Ontario v. Sudbury

By Julius Melnitzer | May 20, 2021 For all the brouhaha about what the Ontario Court of Appeal (OCA) did or didn’t do in Ontario (Labour) v. Sudbury (City), or what courts might do in the future, what transpired is really quite simple: a unanimous Court said that an owner whose direct employees (as opposed […]

Women with pencil on shoulder putting check marks on clipboard list

BARE BONES BRIEFS | Survey: full-time remote work off the table | Osler bulletin: corporate diversity tanks | Law firm gives away profits | OCA: “No escape” supports inmate’s duress defence | legaltrot: helping lawyers on the go get help on the go |

By Julius Melnitzer | May 16, 2021 REMOTE WORK: THE DISCONNECT The Littler 2021 Annual Employer Survey Report has uncovered a “disconnect” between employers and employees about what the return to physical workspaces should look like. The following paragraph says it all: While 71 percent of employers surveyed believe that most of their employees who […]

Perfect storm for Canadian jobless, Part II: making jobs count in M&A

By Julius Melnitzer | May 13, 2021 This is the second article in a three-part series. With unemployment on the rise, adding fuel to the fire by encouraging labour force reduction seems counterproductive. But, as pointed out in Part I of this series, Canada’s competition laws do exactly that. The key culprits are the “efficiencies” […]

Perfect storm for Canadian jobless, Part I: M&A uptick and unemployment growth

By Julius Melnitzer | May 12, 2021 This is the first article in a three-part series. Unemployment rates and merger and acquisition activity (M&A) in Canada are both on the rise. But they’re poor bedfellows, at least as far as Canada’s jobless are concerned. Why? Because Canada’s merger review laws are nothing less than a […]

Women with pencil on shoulder putting check marks on clipboard list

BARE BONES BRIEFS: Universal NDA coming? | Dismissal damages breach 24-month barrier | FC approves largest Canadian LFA ever | NextGen Roster: younger, affordable arbitrators

By Julius Melnitzer | April 21, 2021 Standardized NDA imminent? The world may see a “universally standardised” template for non-disclosure agreements (NDA) in just a few weeks. According to the Law Society Gazette. the OneNDA initiative, founded by The Law Boutique in the UK in February, now has the support of three magic circle firms […]

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Mandatory coronavirus testing for unionized employees allowed: arbitrator

By Julius Melnitzer | March 17, 2021 Arbitrator Dana Randall has ruled that unilaterally-imposed, bi-weekly testing for the novel coronavirus at a Woodstock, Ont., unionized retirement home is reasonable when weighed against the need to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. “The decision tells us that, in this particular environment, mandatory COVID-19 testing is a […]

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Top 10 business decisions of 2020 part two: From termination and tax to good-faith contracts

By Julius Melnitzer | March 12, 2020 This is the second of a two-part series listing the Top 10 Business Decisions in Canada for 2020. The first part dealt with cases ranked 6-10. This article ranks the top five in ascending order. 5. Waksdale v. Swegon North America Inc. 2020 ONCA 391 Ultimately, Waksdale stands for the proposition that […]

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Federal employers shouldn’t change employment entitlements during notice period: court

Julius Melnitzer | February 5, 2021 A recent decision from the Ontario Superior Court suggests that federally-regulated employers will be held to the same strict rules as their provincial counterparts in ensuring that termination provisions comply with minimum employment standards. “The decision in Sager v. TFI International Inc. extends courts’ pro-employee interpretation of termination clauses in the […]

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Federal Court decertifies veterans’ class action for delay on pension benefits

December 17, 2020 | By Julius Melnitzer The Federal Court of Appeal has decertified a $100-million class action brought by former members of the Canadian Armed Forces reserves whose retirement benefits were delayed. Read more RELATED ARTICLES Federal Court certifies veterans‘ class action for delay on pension benefits Appeal court upholds ruling in RCMP pension […]

Supreme Court decision aggravates termination clause problems for employers

Julius Melnitzer | November 2, 2020 A recent decision from the Supreme Court of Canada suggests the test for employers seeking to limit recovery for unlawful termination damages related to long-term incentive plans may be insurmountable in practice. Read more.

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