News & Analysis

Arbitration Place takes Manhattan, turns pandemic on its head

Kim Stewart, Arbitration Place’s Founder & CEO By Julius Melnitzer | February 24, 2022 A recent press release from the New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC) downplays its new remote hearing collaboration with Toronto’s Arbitration Place (AP). Maybe it’s American pride, unable to bear the shock that one of the most powerful international dispute resolution […]

Ontario court refuses appeal over workers’ right to sue for wrongful dismissal in cases of chronic stress

By Julius Melnitzer | February 22, 2022 The Ontario Court of Appeal has refused to consider an appeal from an Ontario Divisional Court judgement that affirmed employees’ right to sue for wrongful and constructive dismissal in the civil courts in cases of chronic mental stress arising from workplace harassment. “The case makes it very difficult for […]

Labour-hungry manufacturing sector has a message for young people: think sci-fi, not smokestacks

By Julius Melnitzer | February 18, 2022 NGen has launched an initiative to educate young Canadians on the sector and showcase the wealth of opportunities available “Out-of-date” is rarely associated with the young — except, it turns out, when they’re thinking about the manufacturing sector. Research by Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen), the advanced manufacturing […]

PainWorth raises $2.1 million, targets North American insurance market

Photo: Painworth co-founders Chris Trudel and Mike Zouhri By Julius Melnitzer | February 12, 2022 PainWorth, a Canadian insuretech startup that some have called “the future of claims settlement”, has raised $2.1 million in seed funding. The timing corresponds with the launch of the Edmonton-based venture’s professional portal, Adjustly, aimed at insurance companies, claims adjusters […]

Jurisage launch marks new era in bulk access to Canadian law

By Julius Melnitzer | February 7, 2022 With the recent launch of Jurisage AI, bulk access to a national case law collection is now a commercial reality in Canada. Jurisage is a joint venture between independent legal publisher Compass Law, and AltaML, a Canadian applied AI studio. “There’s a whole lot of insight and opportunity […]

FP Dealmakers: As governments pulled back on debt issuance, corporations picked up the slack

By Julius Melnitzer | February 3, 2022 Depth was the hallmark of Canada’s debt market in 2021 even as overall deal count and supply declined from the year previous. Anomalous? Not really. Close examination of statistics compiled by Financial Post Data show a sharp divergence between the corporate and public sectors. Corporate issuance rose 11.3 […]

FP Dealmakers: Law firms on overdrive amid ‘hunger and urgency to get deals done’

By: Julius Melnitzer | February 1, 2022 It’s rare for lawyers to be unequivocal. But then, when it comes to capital markets activity, 2021 was a rare year for law firms. “We certainly had not planned for what occurred this past year, which produced one of the best capital markets ever, and we’re talking all […]

B.C. Supreme Court ruling on First Nations’ infringement rights to ‘open up broad range of remedies’

The court found that Rio Tinto had ‘significantly impaired’ the Saik’uz and Stellat’en First Nations’ historical fishing rights By Julius Melnitzer | January 26, 2022 The British Columbia Supreme Court has opened up yet another avenue for First Nations seeking redress against project developers for infringement of their Aboriginal rights and title. “While litigation has […]

Women with pencil on shoulder putting check marks on clipboard list

BARE BONES BRIEFS: Judges: counsel still wasting courts’ time | Post-Pandora crackdowns target lawyers | Survey: Lawyers profit most from class actions | Top 5 law firm bulletins & webinars

By Julius Melnitzer | January 10, 2022 JUDGES: LAWYERS STILL SCREWING UP COURTROOM PROCEEDINGS “The file is in a state of near total disarray”: these are nothing less than the opening words in a recent Federal Court judgment. That’s perhaps not surprising in a case where the applicant was unrepresented. But what is surprising is […]

Energy workers switch to other professions in droves as work dries up in once booming sector

Beset by layoffs, Canada’s energy and mining workers have been bucking tradition and seeking opportunities in other sectors — quite successfully, by all accounts. “The cyclical changes in the resource sector are giving way to structural changes,” said Jeanette Sutherland, director of the multi-stakeholder Energy to Digital Growth Education and Upskilling Project (EDGE UP) at […]

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