McLachlin succeeded by putting the law ahead of personal views

Wednesday, December 20, 2017 I’ve never met former Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin. But I’ve read most of her judgments and written about many of them over the past 23 years. I’ve also read the accolades that accompanied her retirement. The opinions were unanimous, an undivided public and professional outpouring of affection, admiration and gratitude for […]

2018 to be a busy year for pension reforms

 January 3, 2018 If there’s one thing that’s clear about pension reform in 2018, it’s that sponsors will have their hands full, particularly in Ontario. “There’s no question in my mind that impending changes to Ontario’s pension laws will motivate administrators and service providers to up their game,” says Mary Picard, a partner at Dentons […]

The devil is in the details of the #MeToo Movement

Friday, February 02, 2018  The #MeToo Movement, a cause so noble in its aim of correcting the historical abuse heaped on women, should never have become mired in the controversy that now threatens it. But it did, the day that some of the movement’s proponents and publicists overstepped the boundary between “MeToo” and “YouToo.” It’s […]

U.S. tax reform to bring double taxation to some Canadians

Changes will hit those with American property, dual citizens with Canadian earnings and even needy startups hoping for VC funds from U.S. February 6, 2018 While much of the commentary on U.S. tax reform has focused on the impact on business, some nasty surprises are in store for individual Canadians, particularly those with dual citizenship […]

When sexist, racist robots discriminate, are their owners at fault?

Artificial intelligence has the potential to wreak havoc on diversity initiatives February 20, 2018 Artificial intelligence (AI), it seems, has become the cutting-edge target for proponents of diversity in the workplace. Some experts claim that AI is increasingly biased against women and non-white people. Even robots, they claim, are being sexist and racist. The bias […]

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