News & Analysis

Shell-shocked: Could a Dutch court’s ruling on Shell’s emissions encourage similar cases in Canada?

‘It’s a decision that’s worth paying attention to, and that people are talking about’ By Julius Melnitzer | August 11, 2021 If there’s any doubt about the extent to which societal and legal expectations regarding climate change are evolving, a Netherlands court’s ruling ordering Royal Dutch Shell Plc. to reduce the CO2 emissions of its 1,100 companies […]

B.C. court ruling could mean First Nations consent needed for any new project on historic treaty lands

Ruling dramatically lowers the bar for First Nations to demonstrate their treaty rights have been infringed By Julius Melnitzer | July 28, 2021 A British Columbia Supreme Court decision requiring the provincial government to consider the “cumulative effects” of development could mandate First Nations’ consent for any new project on historic treaty lands in Canada. […]

Recommended Reading: Timely Law Firm Bulletins

By Julius Melnitzer | July 19, 2021 CHARITIES & NON-PROFIT Miller Thomson: Why it matters that the Supreme Court decision reinforced the existence of hidden contracts in charity/nonprofit governance COMPETITION McMillan: Emerging Competition & Data Privacy Issues for Real Estate Organizations DATA PRIVACY Gowlings: New Standard Contractual Clauses for International Transfers Under The GDPR McCarthy […]

Little legal clarity for employers dealing with pandemic-related layoffs

By Julius Melnitzer | July 18, 2021 A trio of conflicting decisions from Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice has left employers confused about a possible onslaught of wrongful dismissal lawsuits stemming from temporary layoffs due to the coronavirus pandemic. The confusion arises because judges have come to different conclusions about Ontario’s infectious disease emergency leave regulation, […]

Should companies fear the Clean Fuel Standard?

The Clean Fuel Standard will affect a host of industries — many of them unwitting Canadian industries fear the federal government’s Clean Fuel Standard will translate into an increase in the cost of doing business. “At the end of the day, this is just another tax that Canadian business has to deal with,” said Bob […]

Family businesses are built to be passed on. That just got easier and less costly

PHOTO BY GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOTO The potential savings on wealth transfer taxes with Bill C-208 could amount to as much as $400,000 “Keeping the business in the family”  will get a whole lot easier  — and a whole lot less costly — when Bill C-208, which received Royal Assent this week, comes into force on January […]

Women with pencil on shoulder putting check marks on clipboard list

BARE BONES BRIEFS: FC dismisses murdered Indigenous women’s class action, certifies class for feds’ negligence to Indigenous in custody | Divisional Court dismisses ‘intrusion upon seclusion’ class action against Equifax | Lawyers fined $33,500 for missing fraud at firm | ICC touts arbitration as part of international minimum tax framework | Best of: law firm bulletins

By Julius Melnitzer | June 25, 2021 MIXED RESULTS IN INDIGENOUS CLASS ACTIONS Indigenous class actions seeking to impose liability for mistreatment on governments and police have achieved mixed results. On June 23, the Federal Court certified a class consisting of Aboriginal persons assaulted by the RCMP while in custody in the Northwest Territories. The […]

Bill Gates exclusive: announcing your divorce on Twitter?

By Julius Melnitzer | June 23, 2021 Bill and Melinda Gates are an inspiration to many. Class is all over them, including the way they handled the announcement of their separation on Twitter after 27 years of marriage. So why not follow one of today’s leading influencers and do the same thing? “When people are […]

Cryptocurrency: the Wild West no more?

By Julius Melnitzer | June 22, 2021 There’s a serious irony in the notion that the cryptocurrency landscape still resembles the Wild West. “I would argue that it never did,” says David Rotfleisch of Toronto-based tax boutique Rotfleisch & Samulovitch P.C. “After all, it’s based on blockchain, which records every single transaction on a ledger […]

Women with pencil on shoulder putting check marks on clipboard list

BARE BONES BRIEFS | LSE: “Mediocre” male managers hold women back | Court: Receiver can monetize public shell listing | 3rd ed. of Kaplan, Frazer’s Pension Law published | Canadian start-up tops InsurTech awards | Best law firm webinars and bulletins

By Julius Melnitzer | June 21, 2021 “inadequate” men suit financial services prototypes “Mediocre” male managers practising “fake empathy” are holding back women in the finance industry, says a new report from Women in Banking and Finance and the London School of Economics (LSE). Apparently, the men were more likely to succeed because they fit […]

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