Top 10 business decisions of 2020 part two: From termination and tax to good-faith contracts
By Julius Melnitzer | March 12, 2020 This is the second of a two-part series listing the Top 10 Business Decisions in Canada for 2020. The first part dealt with cases ranked 6-10. This article ranks the top five in ascending order. 5. Waksdale v. Swegon North America Inc. 2020 ONCA 391 Ultimately, Waksdale stands for the proposition that […]

Anticompetitive regulatory risk on the rise: COVID’s role
By Julius Melnitzer | March 2, 2021 COVID-19 and its economic aftermath have cast a dark shadow of regulatory risk on businesses coping with Canada’s competition laws. There are two reasons: the first is that regulatory enforcement of corporate laws tends to be at its highest in bad times; the second is that that our […]

Top 10 business decisions of 2020 part one: From pipelines to anti-SLAPP
Thursday, February 25, 2021 @ 8:29 AM | By Julius Melnitzer What follows is our second annual list of the Top 10 business decisions in Canada for the just-ended year. This is a two-part series, which begins below with numbers 6-10, in ascending order. 10. British Columbia (Attorney General) v. Canada (Attorney General) 2020 SCC 1 It’s […]

No accident benefits for Uber-driving lawyer attacked on the job
Licence Appeal Tribunal finds lawyer’s altercation and escape from disgruntled riders not an ‘accident’ By Court Report Canada | Feb. 18, 2021 An insurer was entitled to deny the accident benefit claim of a Toronto lawyer attacked by his Uber passengers, according to a decision by Ontario’s Licence Appeal Tribunal. The lawyer – who was still in […]

The interplay of profit & relevance: post-COVID opportunities for law firms
By Julius Melnitzer | February 23, 2021 The economic and social upheaval wrought by the pandemic has driven home the notion that good corporate citizenship and profitability go hand in hand. “There’s a gathering consensus that the economy should be ‘better’ than before,” says Tony Williams, who leads Jomati Consultants LLP, a U.K.-based international management consultancy […]

Pension regulators step up to the plate amid turmoil
By Julius Melnitzer | February 16, 2021 For almost a year now, federal and provincial pension regulators have been busily trying to mitigate the coronavirus pandemic’s effects. Regulators have never been more proactive than during COVID-19,” says Mitch Frazer, a pensions and employment law partner at Torys LLP. “They deserve full credit for refusing to […]