Bare Bones Briefs: UN, OECD say lawyers are “professional enablers” of crime; Consumers love lawyers’ online reviews; SCC to decide whether Jordan applies to disciplinary cases; OCA & SCJ public outreach is pathetic; ABA supports commercial arbitration
By Julius Melnitzer | March 3, 2021 UN, OECD: lawyers are “professional enablers” of crime Law Society Gazette reports that both the U.N. High Panel on International Financial Accountability and an OECD report on Ending the Shell Game describe lawyers as “professional enablers” of illicit financial flows. Needless to say, the International Bar Association protested, […]

Bare Bones Briefs: No FLA claims in bankruptcy; Drabinsky loses house; Codina stays in jail; Mediation reports key to class action approvals
By Julius Melnitzer | February 24, 2021 Bankruptcy trustee can’t initiate FLA equalization claims The Ontario Court of Appeal has ruled that a trustee in bankruptcy cannot initiate a claim for recovery of a Family Law Act equalization entitlement. The court focused on the exclusion of property that is “personal as between the parties” from […]

Bare Bones Briefs: Al Jazeera SLAPPs Rebel News; Uber drivers are employees; Duncan Card’s new book; Music for recruiting lawyers
By Julius Melnitzer | February 19, 2021 Media battle: Al-Jazeera SLAPPs far right Rebel News Qatar-based news broadcaster Al Jazeera has fought off a defamation suit by Rebel News, founded by Ezra Levant. Rebel claimed that Al Jazeera’s allegations linking Rebel’s reputation to violent acts was defamatory. Al Jazeera sought dismissal, arguing that the action […]

Bare Bones Briefs: COPA awards; SCC’s Côté on women’s rights; SCC on Duffy’s appeal; Gowling’s new software; Convicts can keep PlayStations; and new SCC rules for contractual damages
February 4, 2021 | By Julius Melnitzer The Lawyer’s Daily and Julius Melnitzer win COPA silver for best investigative series LegalWriter.net’s Julius Melnitzer, writing for The Lawyer’s Daily, has won the Canadian Online Publishers Awards’ silver prize for best investigative series in the 2021 business media. The series consisted of five articles on Justice and […]